Most Recent Minutes

October 21, 2024

PRESENT: Ann Jacobs, Beth Thomas, Alan Jones, Deirdre Crofton, Mark Obbie, Griff Jones, AJ Magnan, John Holtz, Griff Jones, Spence Parsons, Tracey Howe.

ABSENT: Ron Goodman, Lisa Moore

SECRETARY’S REPORT: Board members present at the meeting accepted the minutes from September 2024 meeting.

TREASURER’S REPORT: $165 Locksmith fee to fix emergency door. Seth will meet the plasterer at Church 10/22.  Motion made to accept the minutes. Beth Thomas  2nd Mark Obbie

VICE PRESIDENTS REPORT: Sam Garber is on hold to repair the south wall of the Church.

PRESIDENTS REPORT:  Ann J, John H & Mark O attended Small Historical Society Meeting.  Ann would like to host a future meeting at The Grange. 

BUILDINGS & GROUNDS: Church may be infested with bees; Alan will speak to Sam Garber.  Stan Steele is a bee guy. Seth is meeting Scott Smith 10/22 on how to protect ceilings, windows, scaffolding.  Honeoye school kids were great at cleaning up the grounds.  Jamie Smith is the teacher leading the group.

PROGRAMS: John H to contact Mees Observatory for Annual Mtg.   Shared Living Waters book by Margaret Wooster for a community program.  A contact to keep is Lynn Thurston from CLWA, a Walton Point resident.  Mark O suggested we need a Program Chair to arrange events, spearhead equipment, title and topics.  All agreed.

PUBLIC RELATIONS: Mark Obbie advised we are a go for 11/9 Preston Pierce.  All events posted to social media.

HISTORIAN: Tapho Phile work at Parmaly Cemetery.  Rebecca Kehoe recv’d $10K grant to digitize BHHS material.  Beth has a zoom meeting on 10/22 with NYS Genealogical Assoc.

ASSESSIONS: nothing to report

MEMBERSHIP: BHHS has approximately 30+ new members using new Mailchimp system and online process.

WREATHS ACROSS AMERICA: AJ Magnan ordered 2 reflective vests and 4 flashlights for the event.

VIDEO RELEASE: 2 showings at Cummings, 2pm & 4pm w/ panel discussions and refreshments.  $3 ticket fee

EQUIPMENT SALE: Freezer sold.  Flat top grill both sold and logged as donations to BHHS

MISCELLANEOUS: Craft Fair on 12/7 earns $300 rental fee.  Putting Empire Access fee on Newsletter Wish List.  Ann will call Hevron to confirm Sales Tax is currentNo Meeting in November.  December meeting at Beth’s home.

ADJOURNMENT: Meeting adjourned at 8:18PM

Respectfully submitted,

Tracey Howe