Most Recent Minutes

January 18, 2025

PPRESENT: Dee Crofton, Ron Goodman, Alan Jones, Griffin Jones, AJ Magnan, Mark Obbie, Spence Parsons, Beth Thomas, Seth Thomas, Sadie Frederick, David Pierce, Brooke Finley, Tracey Howe, John Holtz

CALL TO ORDER: Alan J called meeting to order.  AJ M. moved to accept Oct 2024 minutes; 2nd Mark.  All approved.

TREASURER REPORT: Spencer provided current statements.  Mark & Spencer capturing online sales to date.

MEMBERSHIP: 98 paid members. 20 new members.  50 did not renew, will survey to ask why?  Join It helping.

NEWSLETTER: Mark O will continue with Fall and Spring editions.  Considering a member appreciation event.

SECRETARY REPORT: Board held December 14, 2024, meeting to invite our 3 new Board members. 

VICE PRESIDENT REPORT: Alan reported all calm & will assume President responsibility until new P is in place.

BLDGS & GRNDS: Ron G announced his resignation.  Seth Thomas accepted the appointment to B&G Board seat for the remainder of the term.  Seth continues to gather repair options & quotes.  Bee removal on hold due to weather.  Targeted fundraising events for specific repairs and improvements will be planned by new Program Committee.

HISTORIAN: Feb 6 preso Victor/Farmgtn Library.  Feb 22 Discover Little Lakes.  Archeological Assoc Board mtg in Rochester in 2026.  Will put presentations on flash / shared drive.  Need help to empty BHHS inventory from Bristol Town Hall.  Considering rental facility, basement of S Bristol Town Hall, Grange space.  April 5 partnership with Christine Ferran at Baptist Hill Church to promote.  Beth moved to participate, 2nd by Alan.  All agreed

PUBLIC RELATIONS: Mark reviewed Calendar, Newsletter topics, Program Chair established.  Brooke & Sadie lead. Brooke will send proposed Rental Form & Policies for a vote by email.

MISCELLANEOUS: NYS Charities Board & filing NYS sales tax as a Public Charity to be completed by Secretary.

JOHN HOLTZ: Small Historical Societies & 250th celebration, homestead signs, vinyl signage discussed.  Tracey moved to form a Homestead Sign Committee, Griffin 2nd.   All agreed.  Griffin J. to Chair with Sadie, John H, Dee C and Beth T.  All agreed to cap vinyl signage spending at $900.  1 table banner, 2 ovals to cover existing sign & 1 weighted sandwich board with “whiteboard” area to replace scroll.  Free tabletop sign will be included.   Board agreed to put a 2nd book and 2nd video on hold.  Crushing amount of work and we have a full calendar already.

UNFINISHED AGENDA ITEMS: Barn quilts, Naples Women’s Weekend, 2025 Board terms and elections.

MOTION TO ADJOURN made by Beth Thomas, 2nd by Alan Jones.  Meeting adjourned at 11:25am.

NEXT MEETING: February 15, 2025, 3:00p at South Bristol Town Hall