Most Recent Minutes
October 21, 2024
PRESENT: Ann Jacobs, Beth Thomas, Alan Jones, Deirdre Crofton, Mark Obbie, Griff Jones, AJ Magnan, John Holtz, Griff Jones, Spence Parsons, Tracey Howe.
ABSENT: Ron Goodman, Lisa Moore
SECRETARY’S REPORT: Board members present at the meeting accepted the minutes from September 2024 meeting.
TREASURER’S REPORT: $165 Locksmith fee to fix emergency door. Seth will meet the plasterer at Church 10/22. Motion made to accept the minutes. Beth Thomas 2nd Mark Obbie
VICE PRESIDENTS REPORT: Sam Garber is on hold to repair the south wall of the Church.
PRESIDENTS REPORT: Ann J, John H & Mark O attended Small Historical Society Meeting. Ann would like to host a future meeting at The Grange.
BUILDINGS & GROUNDS: Church may be infested with bees; Alan will speak to Sam Garber. Stan Steele is a bee guy. Seth is meeting Scott Smith 10/22 on how to protect ceilings, windows, scaffolding. Honeoye school kids were great at cleaning up the grounds. Jamie Smith is the teacher leading the group.
PROGRAMS: John H to contact Mees Observatory for Annual Mtg. Shared Living Waters book by Margaret Wooster for a community program. A contact to keep is Lynn Thurston from CLWA, a Walton Point resident. Mark O suggested we need a Program Chair to arrange events, spearhead equipment, title and topics. All agreed.
PUBLIC RELATIONS: Mark Obbie advised we are a go for 11/9 Preston Pierce. All events posted to social media.
HISTORIAN: Tapho Phile work at Parmaly Cemetery. Rebecca Kehoe recv’d $10K grant to digitize BHHS material. Beth has a zoom meeting on 10/22 with NYS Genealogical Assoc.
ASSESSIONS: nothing to report
MEMBERSHIP: BHHS has approximately 30+ new members using new Mailchimp system and online process.
WREATHS ACROSS AMERICA: AJ Magnan ordered 2 reflective vests and 4 flashlights for the event.
VIDEO RELEASE: 2 showings at Cummings, 2pm & 4pm w/ panel discussions and refreshments. $3 ticket fee
EQUIPMENT SALE: Freezer sold. Flat top grill both sold and logged as donations to BHHS
MISCELLANEOUS: Craft Fair on 12/7 earns $300 rental fee. Putting Empire Access fee on Newsletter Wish List. Ann will call Hevron to confirm Sales Tax is current. No Meeting in November. December meeting at Beth’s home.
ADJOURNMENT: Meeting adjourned at 8:18PM
Respectfully submitted,
Tracey Howe